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- How Do I Pray?
ea5b1407-5ee7-4db2-babd-b25847ccda36 I will make you become: a disciple is being changed by Jesus Jesus wants to transform us so that we become the kind of people who genuinely love God and others from the core of our being. This change in our hearts goes way beyond what our willpower and good intentions can accomplish. But, it is also not something that God will do in us without our involvement. Each month we will provide video and print resources that look at a spiritual practice, experience, or relationship that can ground us in a lifestyle of openness to God and the work he is doing in us. How Do I Pray? BOOKS How To Pray by Pete Greig A Praying Life by Paul Miller ARTICLES The Prayer Toolshed (An index of 30 prayer tools) How to Pray: The Beginners Guide by Ross McCall VIDEOS The Prayer Course (An 8-session journey through the Lord’s Prayer) The Prayer Course II (A 5-session look at unanswered prayer) NOTES COMMENTS heart page
- Gaithersburg Help: Call Center - Food/Infant Coordinator
Assist Gaithersburg Help: Call Center - Food/Infant Coordinator Assist Work at home using your phone and computer with Internet access; return calls to schedule clients to receive food or infant needs at our food pantry; phone hours are M-F 9 am to 12 noon; commitment is 6 hours per month. 1 hour monthly Monthly 5
- Alpha: Setup and Tear Down Support
Assist Alpha: Setup and Tear Down Support Assist Set-up and tear down Alpha events. 2 hours weekly/seasonal weekly, seasonal 7
- CONTACT US | cedarbrook
Contact us by phone or email. We are located in Clarksburg, Maryland. CONTACT US we'd love to hear from you! questions prayer request next steps feedback Join us each Sunday at 9:30 & 11:15am 23700 Stringtown Rd Clarksburg, MD 20871 301.528.6702 DIRECTIONS Name Email Phone Subject Message Success! Message received. Send
- REFINE | cedarbrook
MALAYSIA CHAN SWEE Tell me more about your mission? Our focus is to reach coaches and athletes for Christ. I serve coaches and athletes mostly in Kedah state. I have a focus on reaching the “state less “ people. (Rohingya) What are some victories I can celebrate with you? The Rohingya people are refugees. We have been able to provide food for them. We have has some conversations about our faith with 1 athlete. We have translated some resources to help our ministry. What are some of the challenges you face? COVID has had us locked down a lot and many are fearful. I have not yet developed a board. I need more volunteers. How can I pray for you? Pray for more people to Pray, Give, Go to Malaysia. Pray for wisdom as we meet potential staff in SEA that we would clearly discern their calling. Pray for my effort to reach the Rohingya people. How can I support you? You can support by engaging in our 3 main methods of engagement: Pray, Give, Go. Pray: Message me for the options. Give: . Go: message me for ways to connect via zoom or visit a country. Where can I learn more? I would be happy to meet with you one on one to help you learn more and answer any questions. You can email me at to get our monthly newsletter to stay up on current opportunities. global missions
JOHN CRAPO Executive Administrator
- Kids: Administrative Support
Assist Kids: Administrative Support Assist Provide administrative support during the middle of the week. Reach out to new families, data entry into the church data management system, update attendance, etc. 2 hours monthly, bi-weekly, weekly Monthly, bi-weekly, weekly 10
- Alpha: Prayer Team Member
Encourage Alpha: Prayer Team Member Encourage Spend 2 hours praying over our Alpha participants, leaders, and hosts. 2 hours weekly/seasonal weekly, seasonal 3
- Kids: Large Group Tech
Encourage Kids: Large Group Tech Encourage Assisting in the flow of large group with Propresenter, lighting, and sound. 2 hours monthly, bi-weekly, weekly Monthly, bi-weekly, weekly 4
- Worship: Photographer
Encourage Worship: Photographer Encourage Photographer to take pictures at worship services, ministry events, and other church activities. 2 hours monthly Monthly 5
- RELEASE | cedarbrook