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- Assimilation: Sunday Service Prayer Team Member
Encourage Assimilation: Sunday Service Prayer Team Member Encourage Spend 1 hour on Sundays praying over our church and our church services pre-service. 1 hour monthly Monthly 5
KEN JACKSON Spiritual Formation Pastor When Cedarbrook held its first Sunday morning service way back in 1989, I was the very first visitor through the door. Almost immediately, a pretty young woman named Molly, with a warm and infectious smile, greeted me. A year and a half later, we were married, and two years after that I came on staff here as a pastor. Almost three decades later, I am still in love with my wife and this church. Molly and I have two sons we are very proud of (Peter and Daniel), two wonderful daughters-in-law’s (Brittany and Courtney), four grandchildren we adore, (Emma, Grace (deceased), Camden, and Eden) and one very large and lovable Labradoodle (Tucker). Sometimes, I cannot believe that I get to do what I do for a living. When I have free time, I love to read, take walks with Molly and Tucker, or hike the trails on Sugarloaf Mountain.
- Worship: FOH Audio Engineer
Encourage Worship: FOH Audio Engineer Encourage FOH audio engineer on the A/V production team. 8 hours Monthly, bi-weekly, weekly Monthly, bi-weekly, weekly 4
- DISCUSSION GUIDES | cedarbrook
DISCUSSION GUIDES WEEK 1: Trials are God's Hidden Blessings 1 Peter 1:1-9 WEEK 4: Our Identity in Christ 1 Peter 2:4-10 WEEK 2: Holiness is Our Way of Life 1 Peter 1:10-21 WEEK 3: God is Good, Live Different 1 Peter 1:22-2:3
- ESOL: Greeter
Find ESOL: Greeter Find Welcome adult learners, and engage them in conversations at break time and hosting a snack table. 2 hours weekly Weekly 3
- SERVE LOCALLY | cedarbrook
Every person at Cedarbrook has the opportunity to participate in the work God is doing in the Metro Baltimore-DC area. Be a part of serving our communities through our church. SERVE LOCALLY CLARKSBURG CLOSET Clothing Ministry serving Montgomery County The Clarksburg Closet is a clothing bank that provides quality clothing without charge to meet the needs of the Clarksburg community and its neighbors. MORE INFORMATION INTERFAITH WORKS Women's homeless shelter An emergency shelter for homeless women with issues related to domestic violence and long-term disabilities. Once a month, women from Cedarbrook provide residents with breakfast, dinner, and companionship. MORE INFORMATION CELEBRATE LIFE Sanctity of all human life Celebrate Life is a life-affirming, grace-filled ministry to unborn babies and their families. There is no more needy in our community than babies in the womb who have no voice to defend themselves. Our purpose is to support life at all stages, and believe that expressing Christ's love to the unborn and to their mothers and fathers honors God. MORE INFORMATION
- Eat With Others
c3fc0b24-b202-47e3-aa5c-b36f59be50f4 Fishers of men: a disciple is committed to the mission of Jesus A fully-formed disciple of Jesus will live as Jesus lived: loving others as we love ourselves, caring for the marginalized, and sharing the good news of Jesus wherever we are. We do not have to quit our jobs and move to a foreign country to participate in the mission of Jesus. We do it right where we live and work and play. Each month on this page we will offer practical guidance on how to join Jesus in the work he is already doing in the lives of those around us. Eat With Others BOOKS A Meal With Jesus by Tim Chester The Simplest Way to Change the World by Dustin Willis and Brandon Clements ARTICLES The What and Why of Biblical Hospitality by Logan Murphy How to Change the World With Christian Hospitality by Kathy Chapman Sharp VIDEOS Why is True Christian Hospitality so Important? by Rosario Butterfield Hospitality in the Early Christian Church by Amy Oden NOTES COMMENTS hands page
- Hospitality: Prayer Team Member
Encourage Hospitality: Prayer Team Member Encourage Pray and give godly counsel to people seeking prayer after Sunday worship services. 0.25 hours monthly Monthly 16
- Worship: Writer
Teach Worship: Writer Teach Creative content writer to write blog posts, video scripts and other web-based copy editing. 2 hours monthly Monthly 10
- Worship: Livestream Chat Host
Encourage Worship: Livestream Chat Host Encourage Livestream Chat Host for our digital church attendees by greeting people as they join us for Sunday worship and engage people through the chat system. 2 hours Monthly, bi-weekly, weekly Monthly, bi-weekly, weekly 4
- Clarksburg Closet: Administrative Support
Assist Clarksburg Closet: Administrative Support Assist Provide administrative support.. Answering requests for assistance, printing requests, coordinating pickup and scheduling volunteers. 1-2 hours weekly Weekly 1
MARIAN GREEN Communications Administrator