Cedarbrook is an elder-led church. The elders set the goals of the church, the values the church is to embody, and the policies the church is to follow. The Senior Pastor and the ministry staff implement strategies and programs to meet those goals, embody those values, and follow those policies. At Cedarbrook, we call these men, the “Leadership Team.”
On the other side of our governance is our deacons and deaconesses, or our “Board of Directors.” These men and women lead and steward the operations and finances of the church so the staff and elders can focus on ministry and the spiritual care of our church family.
Much of the New Testament sets forth descriptions of both what church leaders should look like and how the church should be governed. In the Bible, there is great diversity in who leads where and how. But what stands out is that all leaders are servant-oriented, sacrificial, Spirit-led, and wisdom-based. All of our leaders serving as an elder or as a deacon or deaconess possesses these qualities for leadership.