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- Worship: Vocalist
Worship: Vocalist Encourage Vocalist on the worship team. 8 hours Monthly, bi-weekly, weekly Monthly, bi-weekly, weekly 15
- The Doctrine of the Church
Follow me: a disciple knows and follows Jesus When we look at the life of Jesus, it is very clear that his mind and his worldview were deeply formed by the Scriptures. As we read the Gospels, we see that he was literate, conversant, and passionate about the Word of God. And he calls his followers to be the same. A disciple of Jesus needs to understand and embrace the essential teachings of the Bible. Each month we will explore an essential doctrine of God’s Word through video and print resources. We hope that you will find these helpful in your discipleship journey. The Doctrine of the Church BOOKS Life Together by Dietrich Bonhoeffer The Good and Beautiful Community by James Bryan Smith ARTICLES Survey of Bible Doctrine: the Church at The Doctrine of the Church by William Evans VIDEOS The Doctrine of the Church by Josh Patterson Doctrine of the Church by William Lane Craig NOTES COMMENTS head page
- OVERVIEW | cedarbrook
Follow me, and I will make you become fishers of men. Mark 1:17 ESV We believe the definition of a disciple can be found in Jesus’ invitation to his first followers. From this invitation, we draw out three important characteristics of a disciple, found below. To learn more, click on one of the resource buttons below. Follow me: a disciple knows and follows Jesus In the discipleship process, Jesus is the leader; in order to be one of his disciples, we must intentionally accept his invitation to follow him. This involves a head-level change. A disciple needs to understand who Jesus is and acknowledge him as such. Making the decision to follow Jesus affects how we think and what we believe. This head-level change challenges everything from our worldview to our priorities. head resources I will make you become: a disciple is being changed by Jesus Not only do disciples make a mental decision to follow Jesus, they also enter a process of personal transformation in which a deep work takes place in our hearts and desires. Jesus loves us as we are but loves us too much to leave us that way. He works from the inside-out to change his disciples over time into new people, including their character, attitudes, and commitments. heart resources Fishers of men: a disciple is committed to the mission of Jesus Discipleship is an active endeavor; it is in no way limited to simply sitting and learning. A disciple is called to actively join Jesus on his mission to reach out to others with the life-changing message about his life, death, and resurrection. We offer him our hands for this work. Every man or woman who follows Jesus is expected to use his or her abilities, gifts, and resources to build what Jesus called The Kingdom of God wherever we find ourselves living, working, and playing. hands resources
- Clarksburg Community Assistance Network: Food Drive Organizer
Clarksburg Community Assistance Network: Food Drive Organizer Find Lead food drives at churches, schools, and businesses. 2-3 hours quarterly Quarterly 1
- Kids: Large Group Teacher
Kids: Large Group Teacher Teach Follower of Jesus who loves to teach elementary kids. We do this by large gorup activities and story lessons. 2 hours Monthly, bi-weekly, weekly Monthly, bi-weekly, weekly 4
- STUDENTS | cedarbrook
STUDENTS Cedarbrook Students exists to help students learn and live out what it means to love God, love people, and share Jesus. Come check us out and find a place for your student to belong and grow closer to Jesus. Middle School can be an awkward, lonely, and confusing time for students. The Wave is a space for students to form relationships, to hear about Jesus, take next steps, and have a ton of fun along the way. We meet Sunday mornings during the 11:15am service in the Refuge. Oasis is designed specifically for High Schoolers. Each Sunday during our weekly gathering, students experience a combination of games, music, teaching, and small group interaction with their peers. We meet Sunday nights at 6:30pm in the Refuge. PARENT RESOURCES CALENDAR VOLUNTEER
- Lifestyle of Service
Fishers of men: a disciple is committed to the mission of Jesus A fully-formed disciple of Jesus will live as Jesus lived: loving others as we love ourselves, caring for the marginalized, and sharing the good news of Jesus wherever we are. We do not have to quit our jobs and move to a foreign country to participate in the mission of Jesus. We do it right where we live and work and play. Each month on this page we will offer practical guidance on how to join Jesus in the work he is already doing in the lives of those around us. Lifestyle of Service BOOKS BLESS by Dave Ferguson and John Ferguson Making Room by Christine Pohl ARTICLES 10 Easy Ways to Serve Someone Today by Anna Collins Things That Hold Us Back From Serving Others by Marney McNall VIDEOS Loving My Neighbor as Myself by Rick Warren Why Should Christians Serve? by Todd Wagner NOTES COMMENTS hands page
ANDREW ROLLO Student Ministry Pastor My Long Island roots have been hard to shake, but I am enjoying my home here in Maryland. I was blessed to join the Cedarbrook family in June 2013. My wife, Taylor, and I have been married since May 10th 2014. We met at Liberty University where I graduated with a degree in Biblical Studies and a minor in Youth Ministry. I have served as the Middle School Director and High School Director over the past 8 years and I am really excited for seeing those work together. When I'm not caught up in the chaos of student ministry, you can find me with my wife and beautiful kids; Ellie and Sammy, or playing basketball or enjoying a burger. (sounds like a perfect day to me).
- Kids: Infants
Kids: Infants Teach Followers of Jesus who want to show their comfort and care to our littlest kids with lots of snuggles and love. 2 hours Monthly, bi-weekly, weekly Monthly, bi-weekly, weekly 8
JULIA SEIFERT Promiseland Director I just graduated from Colorado Christian University with a degree in Christian Education. I am so thrilled to be the new Promiseland Director! In my free time, I love reading, doing anything artsy, and spending time with my family. I cannot wait to walk alongside all of the Cedarbrook parents as they raise their kids to be strong Christ-followers. It is important to establish firm foundations in Christ during this time so they will instinctively turn to Jesus for the rest of their lives. Being a part of Cedarbrook is a blessing. I can not wait to see what the Lord has in store!
- Alpha: A/V Technician
Alpha: A/V Technician Encourage Operate audio visual content during Alpha events. 1 hour weekly/seasonal weekly, seasonal 1
ABBY MARTINEZ Receptionist